How to get a Job in Saudi Arabia

How to get a Job in Saudi Arabia

28 January, 2013

is a monarchy ruled by a king chosen from and by members of the Al Saud family. The king rules through royal decrees issued in conjunction with the Council of Ministers, and with advice from the Consultative Council. The king appoints members of both councils. Islamic law is the basis of the authority of the monarchy and provides the foundation of the country’s conservative customs and social practices. has a modern and well-developed infrastructure, and facilities for travelers are widely available.


How to get a Job in Saudi Arabia

First and foremost have a professional resume.  Ensure that key accomplishments are clearly stated.  Have a strong objective statement such as why you want to work in Saudi Arabia, what position you seek and why you are the most qualified individual for such a position.

Circulate your resume.  Put it on the….. Read full career article


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